Year 4
4H - Miss Hodge 4M - Miss Mostofa
Teaching Assistant: Miss Marshall
We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 4's class page. There will be lots of exciting things being added to this page throughout the year. Year 4 is an important year that involves the children taking greater responsibility for their own learning. We are very keen to work together as a partnership, with the children, parents, teachers and school of all working together to help us 'to be the best that we can be'. We cannot wait to celebrate all the fantastic adventures, learning and fun the children will have this year! If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to find one of us as we are more than happy to assist you with any concerns.
Core subjects
Reading takes place every morning and children will be exploring a wide range of text types as a whole class. We will spend time discussing new vocabulary and exploring a range of themes within texts. In English lessons, children will be immersed in exciting and engaging new texts to help us continue to be amazing writers. In maths, we will be building upon prior knowledge and securing our knowledge of the four operations. We will be using elements of white rose to help us to master the curriculum.
Foundation subjects
During the afternoons, children will participate in a range of lessons including RE, PE, art and design, science, computing, spanish, PSHE, history and geography. Children will be given opportunities to experience extra-curricular visits and workshops throughout the year that will enhance foundation lessons and hopefully bring learning to life. In the Autumn term, Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed visiting Blakesley Hall as part of their 'Tudors' topic.
Important information
Homework and new reading books are sent home every Friday and need to be returned by the following Wednesday. Homework is based upon work children have been exploring in school that week and we actively encourage children to complete their homework in order to consolidate their understanding. Please support your children by practising spellings, listening to them read often and offering guidance with homework tasks.
Times tables
Year 4 will be working hard practising their times tables in order to prepare for an assessment that will take place in June. Children are expected to know all times tables facts up to 12 x 12. It will be useful if children could continue to practise their tables at home. Please see below for links to useful websites that will help support your child. Each child has a login to 'TT rockstars' where weekly class battles will be taking place and certificates will be awarded to children at the top of the leader board!
Useful websites