Mission, Vision and Values
Philosophy and Purpose
At Marsh Hill we feel that the school should provide the foundation and opportunities for children in our care to become well rounded and capable individual members of a society which continually evolves and develops.
When children leave Marsh Hill we want them to be independent learners and thinkers with a range of skills and talents. We can only do this by striving to provide an environment for learning in which children are able to maximise their potential academically, socially, physically and emotionally.
To provide a caring, respectful, tolerant environment in which all individuals are enabled to fulfil their full potential through a creative and enjoyable curriculum.
We want pupils in our care to …
Have the necessary basic linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and social skills.
Make good and better progress in all subjects.
Have a positive attitude towards learning and a desire for knowledge
Develop a lively, enquiring mind with the ability to apply themselves to tasks with self-discipline and an increasing sense of responsibility for their own actions.
Become self-confident learners with a love for learning which will stay with them for life.
Want to be at our school, developing into independent learners who are adaptable, questioning, curious and confident in their own ability to achieve their full potential.
Develop a respect and a tolerance for all religious, moral and cultural values including having a regard to the wider community.
Feel valued, are happy and inspired, experiencing success and willing to take risks confidently learning from failure.
We aim to provide…
A broad and varied curriculum promoting a community of enthusiastic and independent learners
A happy, healthy school in which everyone feels valued.
A caring, secure and stimulating environment in which to educate each child intellectually, socially, emotionally, morally and physically, so that he/she can reach their full potential, moving on to the next stage of their education with confidence and high self-esteem, and being prepared for their adult role in society.
Teaching of a high standard, enabling children to make good and better progress in all subjects with high standards of both achievement and behaviour.
An inclusive curriculum, which is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated to each child’s needs.
Equality of opportunity for all children, regardless of age, gender, race, creed, culture, physical disability or special educational need.
A diverse range of opportunities to stimulate the children’s learning and promote enquiry through the curriculum and beyond.
Actively promote British Values throughout the curriculum.
It is our aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by core values. These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere.
The ethos of our school is built on a foundation of 22 core values which are addressed directly through lessons, assemblies and permeate the whole curriculum. Each month we focus on a particular value. We learn to understand what the values looks like and how we can demonstrate the value, in the way we behave, in our attitude towards each other and in our learning. Parents are encouraged to develop the monthly value at home and have the opportunity to nominate their child for displaying the value.