Year 1
1H - Mrs Holmes 1G - Ms Grant
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Quelch and Miss Caruana
Our Year 1 timetable allows the children to access the core subjects in the morning (Phonics, Maths and English) and the foundation subjects in the afternoon (RE, Science, History/Geography, Music, PE, Art and Design and Computing).
We encourage children to read as much as we can as it is so important to everyday life. Year 1 visit the library every week, allowing them to choose a book to read at home or in school. We then send Home Reading books home with the children on Friday and expect them to arrive back into school on Wednesday, so that our wonderful TA’s can change them.
Homework is also sent out every Friday. This allows children to embed their learning into their home life. Homework always covers topics that we have learnt that current week and is used to reflect on our understanding.
We all look forward to working with your children to achieve their maximum potential.