Marsh Hill, Erdington, Birmingham B23 7HY | Telephone: 0121 464 2920


Rainbows and Sunshines

Teachers: Mrs Hunt and Mr Glover

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Mountney, Mrs Savage and Mrs Marini  

In EYFS, we have two classes that work closely together as one free-flow teaching unit. The individual classes are Sunshines and Rainbows. We have our own entrance, playground and garden area.

Our daily timetable consists of: Start of the Day Activities, registration, phonics, maths and literacy introductions and small group teaching within their own class group each morning. Child initiated activities are set up across the unit and outside so that children can take learning further, independently and with their peers. The Outdoor Area is an essential part of the environment with physical development, exploration and art work taking place on a larger scale throughout the day.

Due to the free-flow environment, the child-led activities can be accessed in either classroom and outside throughout the day with small group adult-led teaching taking place at all times.

Our Phonics delivery is strong as is our Teaching of Number and Number Patterns, which we have introduced through engaging counting, sorting and matching activities. We also sing and dance to number songs, and incorporate number through other learning areas, such as our Outdoor area, where children have ample opportunities to practise their Number reasoning skills, such as matching objects to numerals, finding different ways to make a number and noticing patterns. This will build their ability to solve number problems such as adding, subtracting, doubling and halving and know number bonds to ten.

The afternoons are dedicated to Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts. Once again activities are taught to small groups across the unit with child led activities playing a key part in pupil development through language and play based activities.

PE and PSHE (Personal and Social Health Economic) lessons are on a Friday morning - these are taught with their own class group.

Each week, children are also introduced to a 'Mr Men' character which links to their Characteristics of Effective Learning. Each character helps build the core skills required for children to become effective learners, such as curiosity, resilience, confidence, independence and motivation.