Year 2
2P - Miss Parveen 2D - Miss Deans/Mr Moheen
Teaching Assistants: Miss Caven and Mr Hamblett
In Year 2, we learn our Maths, English and Phonics in the mornings and the rest of our learning takes place in the afternoons.
We have different topics for History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology and Science and try to plan exciting and engaging activities and trips that bring the subjects to life for the children.
We will send homework home on Fridays and would like the children to have a go and bring their completed work back to school on the following Wednesday. Reading books will also be changed and sent home on Fridays. The book that is sent home matches your child’s phonic ability. Please read with your children as much as possible as it really does help with their learning in many areas across the curriculum.
We strive to ensure that all the children are happy, and reach their maximum potential while learning with us.